Author: Dr. Paul Zilberman Medical Doctor, Anaesthetist, Hadassah Medical Center Jerusalem, Israel Recently, more and more space dreamers and serious scientists foresee a human travelling to Mars. The closest planet to us in a centre to periphery direction from the Sun, Mars is still at 86,362 million km distance. Hmmmm… It is said that in similar conditions and with similar materials, the resultant product will usually look the same. Well, Mars is somehow considered a terrestrial planet. For illustration, I bring two pictures to your attention - similar, but with evident differences. Both show sunrise, but one is from Mitzpe Ramon in Southern Israel, while the other is from Mars. Obviously, the second image was not taken by me! With a bit of imagination, we can compare both images - would you take your family at the weekend for a grill (BBQ)? In both places? A grill? Well… let’s see what we need. Here on Earth, we know. But what do we have on Mars? Minimum temperature of -110 degrees Centigrade - too cold to eat outside. Maximum temperature is +35 degrees Centigrade. That’s ok, a bit like Mitzpe Ramon. So, let’s do the grill. But something’s missing! Yes, for fire we need some oxygen. The oxygen level on Mars is 0.2%, roughly 1/100 of what we have on Earth. Hmm… definitely not enough. And for a good and tasty grill you need to stay next to it and watch the meat, flip it from time to time. This is difficult too as the gravity on Mars is 3.721 m/s2, roughly 1/3 of that on Earth. Kinda floating a bit, isn’t it… ?
So, until we are able to have a grill on Mars, provided we can transport enough meat there and keep it edible, let’s enjoy a traditional and classic one in our own backyard. Enjoy! But…look to the skies from time to time…You will see Mars with the naked eye. BTW, we’ve started producing artificial meat over here… Comments are closed.
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